About us
Dynaplast has been present on PET market since 1993.
O n the turn of 1995/1996 it started producing its own, low-capacity machines. The board of directors of the company had quickly relaized that in order to come into being on the market and to keep such position for long it is necessary to produce the highest level machines, which would be competitive to the world-best manufactureres’. So in 1998 the company has introduced the very first, Super blow 3000 machine with capacity of 1500 b/h per cavity, blowing bottles even up to 2,0 l. In those days it was the quickest equipment of this type. In order to achieve such results, the machine has been equipped with servo-motors and stretching system has also been equipped with such device.
Besides the high capacity, the solution made the machine capable – together with most up-dated stretching system – of blowing very light bottles. In 2001 we finalized the project in Belgium, where 1,5 l bottles have been blown out of 26 g preforms! This fact convinced the company of choosing the right direction for applying its advanced tchnology. For this reason, each Dynaplast's machine is still based on the very latest technologies, which give final user of equipment economic and technological advantages. The 2001 was aslo a brakthrough if comes to range of our sales. The market was pushing harder and harder to deliver complete lines but not only blow molding machines. This became a reason to reorganize the company into the shape, that it was able to meet all market demands. Thus, since 2001 Dynaplast has been successfully delivering complete lines, so called key-projects and it now continues to finalize some new ones and in 2004, it will present its new achievements on the PET market.